Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's inspiration *

Looking for that shadow that you once new, or that child like spirit that was never fearless... Look no further. To be transported to another land, and reconnect with your inner child have a look at these, THEN WATCH THE MOVIE !!!!

" The Cult of HOLGA "

This article about the Holga left me smiling, with the writer exclaiming that "Its laughably retro design looks like the work of a child let loose with a crayon. You almost expect it to squirt water when the shutter is pressed" , yes I say, but that is one of the reasons why we love it !

Have a read :


Thursday, August 19, 2010

The world between my ears [ ... ]

It's been a while... hello!

I am finally settled in this new city which means I am becoming more inspired to write again. Everything in the last little while has seemed somewhat psychedelic, so many colours, shapes, sounds! It's as if I have woken up ! So you can imagine, armed with a camera and these 'new eyes', I have found a whole new world to explore, and Cape Town is providing much happiness in my life !

We are working on a lot of film based projects at school (I use the term 'school' as I find it loose and fun) at the moment, so my appreciation for the medium is ever growing. There is no sound quite like that ' click ' of a film camera and that feeling of hoping but not quite knowing what your shot looks like, it’s like Christmas every time I go to collect a roll of film that I’ve got developed or as I wait patiently while my picture emerges in the developing tray in the darkroom.

This blog was originally for my travels, but it seems my travels are only happening in my head at the moment, but that is decent as well! In that case I will keep sharing ! I like doing this ' ! '....

Anyway without further delay, there is someone I have been meaning to introduce.
Meet my friend 'HOLGA' we have been going on many adventures lately... and I have a feeling that we will become great friends!

much loving,
Holga and 3rdworldchild